Count Down to New Years and 2015

New Year by krishna arts and freedigitalphotos
I truly do not know where this year went. It has flown by so quickly, it seems like a blur. Looking back through the year is something that many people enjoy doing and remembering the fun and memorable events that have taken place. I saw a cool idea on Pinterest the other day for a sort of journal that you can do using an index card for each day of the year. Jotting down what you did on the card and then filing it away for future years. How fun and easy! It is a wonderful way to make every day count and a cool way to see what you have done through the year.

New Years Eve is usually quiet celebration at our home although I think this year we may go out to celebrate with friends. I love New Years Eve and enjoying the time with friends to ring in the New Year is an exciting time. My mom always made sure to serve black eyes peas on New Years! I am not sure where that tradition started, but I know a lot of people do that too!

How do you and yours ring in the New Year? Watching the ball drop is not as fun on the west coast since it occurs at 9pm here but I do usually watch it, if I am not out. Share with us your fun traditions and your plans for the new year!