School Fundraisers are Out of Control
When our daughter was little and was in school she used to come home with a few school fundraisers every year. Like most parents we participated in the majority of the ones she brought home.
With that said…over the past few years I have noticed a trend with these school fundraisers and frankly…I don’t like it…not one bit at all. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the schools are hurting for money but so are American families.
I have at least a dozen nieces and nephews in school and a 5 year old grand daughter attending full day Kindergarten. Already this year these kids have hit us up & down with these fundraisers. My one nephew is on his 4th fundraiser in just 2 months sponsored by his school.
My vent today is this…
1. Fundraisers need to be kept limited! Families do NOT have an unlimited amount of funds available to them. On top of that…we all lead very busy lives and collecting orders is a time consuming process.
2. Make them affordable! I just looked at one a few days ago that my nephew brought over to me. The cheapest item was $25.00 with the most expensive item being just under $50 bucks. What? Are you kidding me? Really?
Whatever happened to the $1.00 candy bars and $5.00 subs/hoagies? Again…Really? Are you kidding me? Come on now!!!
If you want kids and families to spend time and money raising money for the school, athletic programs, etc. You need to keep them limited and you need to make them affordable!
It is OUTRAGEOUS that you expect our kids to be hitting the pavement every 4 weeks out selling these products when they should be reading books & doing their homework. Furthermore, families are on limited incomes and can NOT afford to be spending $50+ dollars a month on buying things from the kids.
I understand schools are hurting financially but this school fundraising trend I see going on is really getting under my skin! Your thoughts?