Regnery Kids Childrens Books: A Classic Holiday Gift
I have had the delightful pleasure of reviewing some children’s books published by Regnery Publishing’s Regnery Kids. I am sure my great-grandchildren are going to thoroughly enjoy and learn from the books without realizing they are learning. Regnery Kids publishes fun, creative, and original children’s literature that
are non-partisan, entertaining, and brilliantly written and illustrated by award-winning authors and artists.
The first book is from the Regnery Kids series. It is called “Freddy the Frogcaster” about a frog who has had an interest in weather and frogcasting since a very young age. He becomes very good at learning about the weather conditions because his parents saw and encouraged his interest by supplying the tools for him to learn. I don’t want to give the whole story away but lets say Freddy learns so well he outforecasts some professional adults and saves the day.
I love the way the book explains the types of weather and what causes each type. I must confess I learned a great deal about the weather. I know some of my kids think I am in my second or maybe third childhood so it’s a good thing. This book is geared toward Pre-K to Second grade. In the back of the book are ideas for learning weather forecasting. It also teaches to follow your ambitions. The book is written by Janice Dean a senior meteorologist with Fox News Channel, who some viewers know as “Janice Dean, the Weather Machine.” The book is illustrated delightfully by Russ Cox, an award winning illustrator. The illustrations are colorful and so much fun.
The second book is geared toward Pre-K through Grade 3. It is from Little Patriot Press (a Regnery imprint) and is the newest series of children’s books. The one I read is “Who Cares, Charlie Brown”. That’s right, it is a Peanut’s characters book. While playing a baseball game Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Linus and the rest of the characters from Peanuts learn about historical people and what they did and how they affected American history. They are figures who truly made a difference in peoples’ lives and bettered our nation. Like Susan B. Anthony, Dr Martin Luther King, Clara Barton and others. It also teaches children that if you win it really doesn’t matter. What matters is that you played your very best.
The other books so far in the Peanuts series are,”What’s the Big Idea, Charlie Brown?” which teaches about inventors and their inventions and “Where Did You Go, Charlie Brown?” about great explorers and their adventures. I love the fact that there are activities in the back of the book that encourage children to think and do activities relating to the books.
These Regenery Kids books are both on quality paper and richly illustrated. I recommend them highly and I know what some of my great-grandkids will be receiving for Christmas gifts. Check out the website at regnerykids for fuller lists of books. You will be glad you did if you have young ones.
Disclaimer: Nadine has personally reviewed these products. I have not received any Monetary Compensation for this review but did receive free products to use & evaluate for the review. Your thoughts & opinions may differ from mine. All Content on this site is Copyright of the Two Classy Chics. All Rights Reserved.