Mailbox Monday for November 3rd
Every Monday, we love to share some of the neat things we got the previous week in our mailbox and we encourage all of you to tell us about the special things you got too! These special things can be gifts you received, special greeting cards or giveaways you won on the web! What about all of the freebies that showed up?
Shelly & Gianna: Last week Gianna got a package of Bazooka gummy rings and ring pops all in a Halloween theme. She loves it when I participate in various Bazooka blogging campaigns as it is some of her favorite candy. She knows Nanny gets rewards and then gives them to her! This time around though, I only gave her a few and the rest we used for Trick-or-Treat night!
Other than that…I had a pretty dry mailbox last week. How about you?
What all did you get in your mailbox last week besides bills? Get any giveaway winnings or freebies? We would love to hear about it! It’s your time to brag, boast and shine! Seriously, love these posts & love to hear about all of the fab things you all have been winning!!!