Craft Project: Dollar Store Snowflake Holiday Ornaments

During this time of the year I really love visiting those “Dollar Stores” types of stores! These days there are a slew of them here in our city and I can always count on them to find some holiday crafting supplies on the cheap!

On one recent trip I picked up a few packages of those cheap white plastic snowflake Christmas tree ornaments, silver metallic pipe cleaners, a bottle of tacky glue and then got busy! For the rest of the supplies listed below, I had them on-hand (leftovers) from other various craft projects. You can decorate the ornaments however you would like to do them.

Craft Project: Dollar Store Snowflake Holiday Ornaments

Faux Pearl Snowflake Christmas Tree Ornaments

1 pkg. White Plastic Snowflake Ornaments
1 pkg. Silver Pipe Cleaners
Small Oval White Faux Pearls
Small Round Colored Pearls
Small Round Faceted Beads
Satin Ribbon Roses (for the center)
Bottle of Tacky Glue or Glue Gun
Scissors or Wire Cutters

All I did was cut down the pipe cleaners into stick shapes, slightly shorter than the snowflake. I glued them onto the snowflake starting in the center and working my way around. I had some clear round faceted beads, oval shaped white faux pearls and round mint colored faux pearls leftover from other projects. I simply glued them onto the end of each pipe cleaner to jazz them up. In the center, you can glue a large bead, fancy button, artificial flower or whatever else you have on hand in your craft supplies bins. It is a great way to use up those little things.

My mother also made a slew of these with me. She lightly sprayed her’s with some clear acrylic sealer and is going to hang hers outdoors once it gets a little bit closer to Christmas. She always decorates her bushes and small trees in the yard. I would recommend spraying them with the clear acrylic sealer if hanging them outdoors on a tree, from a wreath or if adding them to an outdoor garland.

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