Cooberry Free Storytelling Entertainment Site for Kids

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I remember those days like it was yesterday…. “Mom, I’m Bored!” Those three little words can really throw you for a loop, especially on days when it was cold, rainy or my son was sick. Entertaining kids at an age where they have short attention spans is tough! Lucky for me, my son loved to read and loved being read to so that was always a great way to entertain him for short periods of time.

With technology changing as fast as it has been in the past five years, entertaining our kids is changing right along with it. There is a cool new site that has been making waves that busy moms and dads can use for help to entertain the younger ones. Cooberry is a free storytelling Website that provides 5 minutes of entertainment every day for kids ages 4 to 12.
Coobrry Kids Storytelling site
Cooberry offers storytelling, eBooks, animations and fun facts to engage and entertain. The site is designed to stimulate a child’s interest in reading as well as their vivid imagination. This new site provides kids with a fun and educational alternative to TV. Parents can bond and spend quality time with their children for five minutes each day – or watch a week’s worth of programming all at once together on the weekend. New content is added every day to the free site. is named after a special fruit that grows on a hidden island in the Pacific Ocean – Cooberry Island. This wonderful fruit is said to “coo” in the ear “eat me, eat me.” Children will enjoy whimsical stories and animation featuring the adventures of the various talking animals – JJ, Ace and Kate – which live on the mystical island of Cooberry. Other characters will be introduced as new stories and animations are added.
Cooberry storytelling kids

There are numerous educational benefits to storytelling for kids:

• It is a great way to educate pre-readers and enhance the length of their attention span for learning.
• It enhances memory and imagination.
• It teaches morals and positive behavior – right from wrong.
• It helps connect concepts and ideas and their relationship to past, present and future.
• It helps children to open up and feel more confident and relaxed.
• Storytelling enables kids to think about telling or writing their own stories – thereby encouraging reading and writing.
• Repeated stories help children remember better – and they find familiarity with any repeated story comforting in times of stress.

Check out the Cooberry video. Introduce your kids to the fun world of Cooberry and enjoy story time any time!

Cooberry is compatible with PC or Mac – desktop, laptops and iPad but it is not compatible with mobile devices at this time.

Disclaimer: I was compensated by the advertiser to write this post. I was provided with the subject matter to write about but the thoughts, opinions and words are 100% mine.