Field of Honor – Honoring Veterans in California

November is remembered for several different things. The first thing that comes to mind is Thanksgiving. It is also remembered for the fall season and Veteran’s Day. In my community, one of our service clubs has started a new tradition that has been making waves. The Field of Honor is a method of honoring our fallen heroes and those that have been in service to our country. From current military, to our fallen heroes, local or not. The local public sponsor the flags and can place messages on the flag pole.

Field of Honor Merced CA 2014 shows 1776 flags on display

Last year, the service club placed 1000 flags in the field at the community college where I teach. This year, they have increased the amount of flags on display to 1776. I love the emotion that this brings out. I wish I could have gotten you a picture from the front of the display. It is magical and very moving, especially at night when it is all lit up. I will try! (oh and this pic is just a small portion of the flags. I had to crop the photo to fit the width of the blog.)

Thanks to our vets and those in service to our country and thanks to the Sunrise Rotary of Merced, Ca for this awesome display.