5 Money-Saving Tips for Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for family gatherings and great eats! I know at my house this meal is steeped in traditional foods and memories of other great dishes we enjoy at this time of year. But we all know how much it can cost to create and serve all of those dishes that we love. When budgets are tight, there are some things we can do to help ease the cost. Check out these tips to help you this holiday!
5 Money Saving Tips for Thanksgiving
* Plan Ahead for the Best Savings – Start planning your meal early. By knowing what is on the menu means you can start buying ingredients early and getting all of the savings available. Clipping coupons, watching sales and snagging the deals will help reduce the cost and reduce last minute runs to the store for forgotten ingredients at full price.
* Keep it Simple – While it is nice to be able to serve Moms stuffing, Grandma’s sweet potatoes and your famous mashed potatoes, cutting back on some of the dishes will help save on the costs.
* Use the Pantry – Plan your meal around around what you already have. If your recipe require fancy ingredients that cost a lot, change it up and keep your meal a bit simpler for increased savings.
* Buy for Multiple Meals – Grab a bigger bird than you normally do and make sure to use it all. Even grab the free turkey that some grocery stores offer with purchase before the holiday. This way you can plan for more meals like shredding meat and freezing it for tacos, salads, turkey tettrazzini and other favorites. Also use the meat and bones for soup base, stock and gravy.
* Make it Potluck – Keep your Thanksgiving meal easy by making it potluck. I know it is easy to do the whole meal and not think about it but you can save quite a bit by assigning dishes for others to bring. It makes it fun and interesting too!
Have fun this Thanksgiving and save money too with some of these tips. What do you do to save money on holiday meals?
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