Sustainable Cocoa for a Chocolate-Filled Future

nestle halloween candyHow many of you are aware of where you chocolate comes from? Are any of you concerned about the sustainability of chocolate and chocolate-made products? To be honest, I never gave it much thought until now.

Here is some info I wanted to share with all of you.

Guide to Buying Sustainable Cocoa

The cocoa in our favorite treats travel a long and complex road from the pods on a tree to the chocolate bar on the grocery shelf. The majority of cocoa production is centered halfway around the world from the U.S., primarily in West Africa. While chocolate is a beloved part of American culture and appetites, many consumers don’t realize that the supply of this precious commodity is dwindling. While demand has doubled in the last 20 years alone, challenging economic and social conditions for farmers and lower-yielding cocoa crops have put the future of cocoa, and chocolate, at risk.

The issues in the cocoa supply chain are complex, but we can all take small steps to help tackle this global issue and ensure chocolate-lovers around the world can enjoy this delicious commodity for generations to come:

1.) SUSTAINABLE COCOA LABELS 101: Wading through labels and product certification stamps can be confusing. For the consumer who wants to buy products made with sustainable cocoa, look for one of these four labels:

• UTZ Certified: UTZ puts cocoa and coffee farmers first. This label indicates that the cocoa can be traced back to one of more than 140,000 farmers who are part of this certification program and are held to specific environmental and social standards such as preventing deforestation and effective safety measures for workers.

• Rainforest Alliance: Rainforest Alliance is committed to conserving our world’s natural resources. This seal ensures that the cocoa you’re purchasing comes from a farm that has met the Sustainable Agriculture Network standards, which includes ecosystem conservation, wildlife protection, and fair safe working conditions for workers.

• Fairtrade Foundation: The Fairtrade Foundation regulates fair pricing and labor conditions for farmers, and supports community development and environmental sustainability. This mark indicates the product aligns with International Fairtrade Standards, which ensures producers are paid a minimum price for their products and mandates health and safety measures for workers.

• Nestlé Cocoa Plan: Nestlé is committed to ensuring sustainable cocoa in its products. The Nestlé Cocoa Plan focuses on farmer profitability, improved social conditions and a sustainable cocoa supply chain. This label mean the product adheres to Nestlé’s standards for sustainable cocoa.

2.) BRANDS YOU CAN TRUST: Many chocolate makers have realized the importance of improving the cocoa supply chain and are doing their part to provide products that are made with sustainable cocoa. Knowing which brands use sustainable chocolate can make your decision that much easier in the grocery aisle.

• Nestlé CRUNCH
• Nestlé Butterfinger Peanut Butter Cups
• Hershey’s Bliss
• Dagoba Organic
• Scharffen Berger
• DOVE Dark Chocolate

3.) CHOCOLATE IS MORE THAN JUST CANDY: Chocolate comes in many forms. It’s important to look for sustainable cocoa in all your chocolate products, including:

• Hot cocoa, such as Nestlé Hot Cocoa
• Chocolate milk, such as Nestlé Nesquik Ready-to-drink and powder
• Cocoa powder
• Baking chocolate, like Nestlé Toll House Morsels (Dark and Milk Chocolate)

Nestle Cocoa Plan Infographic for Social 7-7-14

Plus, take the time to read the informative infographic above. I learned quite a bit reading it. Now that I am informed consumer, I will definitely be paying a lot more attention to the products that I buy.

nestle crunch

I also wanted to thank Nestle Crunch for supplying me with several bags of chocolate candy that I will be handing out to all of the trick-or-treaters that visit our home on Halloween. My candy bucket is filled and waiting! Happy Halloween!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this post was provided to us free of charge. Nestle provided us with several free bags of Nestle Crunch Candy Bars to hand out to the trick-or-treaters on Halloween. No monetary compensation was received.