Snickertini Cocktail Recipe

Preparations for Halloween festivities are getting into full swing with the 31st not being too far away. If you are going to host an “adult” cocktail party or attend one, consider whipping up a few of these delicious Snickertini Cocktails for your guests to enjoy.

The recipe and photo is courtesy of Van Gogh Vodka.

Chocolate_Cocktails* Snickertini is shown in the front of the photo *

Snickertini Cocktail Recipe

1 ½ oz. Van Gogh Dutch Caramel Vodka
½ oz. Irish Cream Liqueur
½ oz. Chocolate Liqueur
½ oz. Amaretto
Splash of Cream

Drizzle a thin line of both caramel and chocolate sauce on the inside of a rocks glass and place in refrigerator to chill. Combine all ingredients into a shaker and shake over ice. Pour entire contents of shaker into glass.

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Disclaimer: You must be 21 years of age or older to consume alcoholic beverages. Please drink responsibly and ALWAYS use a designated driver.