Rio 2 Sing-along Edition DVD with Free Printables

Rio 2 Sing-along Edition DVD

** 2014 Holiday Gift Guide **

Just in Time for the Holidays, Rio 2 is Back with a Limited Edition Sing-Along + Theatrical Version of the Film!

Sing-along with your favorites including:

Billboards Rising Star Award® Winner Janelle Monae, Tony Award® Winner Kristin Chenoweth, Anne Hathaway, Grammy Award® Winners Bruno Mars & Jamie Fox & More! 10 songs including: I Will Survive, What is Love, Rio Rio & More.

Bring it Home on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD November 4th, 2014.

Rio 2 Sing-Along: Now you can sing-along with your favorite characters to songs What is Love, I Will Survive, Rio Rio & more! Come take a walk on the wild side with Anne Hathaway, Jesse Eisenberg, George Lopez and an incredible flock of all-star talent in this soaring sequel to the animated hit comedy Rio!

Free Rio 2 Holiday Printables: You can print these out for free and enjoy them this holiday season.

* Rio 2 Gift Tags
* Rio 2 Gift Checklist
* Rio 2 Greeting Cards


Disclaimer: Shelly has personally reviewed the product listed above. Shelly has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Shelly did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.  Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering our giveaways. This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook or Google+ in any way. Thanks!