Musselman’s Apple Sauce – Family Skating Tribute in State College

Family Skating Tribute in State College, PennsylvaniaLast year my husband and I had the honor of attending the Musselman’s Apple Sauce Family Skating Tribute in State College Pennsylvania. We had a great time at the event and were super excited to be invited back again this year, courtesy of Musselman’s.

The event was held at the Pegula Ice Arena in State College which is a two hour drive from my home. During the Autumn season we love taking the drive up so that we can see all of the beautiful Fall Foliage that Pennsylvania has to offer. Just like last year, we booked hotel rooms and decided to make it our mini vacation for the season.

amy grant

The musical guest for the event was Amy Grant who is one of my husband’s favorite music artists. She was fabulous and we enjoyed seeing her and listening to her sing. If you have never seen Amy Grant live in concert before, we highly recommend it!

The TV Hosts for the event were Kristi Yamaguchi and Michael Weiss. They were the hosts last year so it was great to see them both there again this year! Kristi and Michael have always been two of my favorite skaters!!!

Family Skating Tribute in State College, Pennsylvania

The entertainers/skaters who performed along with their families were:

* Ilia Kulik & Ekaterina Gordeeva
* Nancy Kerrigan
* Paul Wylie
* Linda Fratianne
* Kurt Browning
* Todd Eldredge
* Silvia Fontana & John Zimmerman
* Michael Weiss
* Sinead & John Kerr

Family Skating Tribute in State College, Pennsylvania

All of them did some type of performance with member(s) of their family and some also did solo performances which was really nice too!

kurt browning - Family Skating Tribute in State College, Pennsylvania

One of my ultimate favorite male skaters happens to be Kurt Browning and I was excited to see him last year and even more excited to see him back again this year! On top of that, he did one of my FAVORITE performances ever to Brick House which is a famous routine he did years ago. I loved it and it got the entire crowd on their feet!!! Yup, definitely my favorite performance of the night and he did half of the performance with his handsome little boy! He is as “HOT” as ever!!!

Family Skating Tribute in State College, Pennsylvania

The entire evening was really “magical” and we really had a great time! We are hoping that they do this again next year and if they do…we will definitely be there!shellysig100x60

Disclaimer: Musselman’s Apple Sauce provided us with 3 complimentary tickets to the Family Skating Tribute Event and 3 VIP wrist bands for the meet & greet after party.