Rant: Keep Your Germs to Yourself – Stop the Excuses
This is a RANT! If you don’t like reading a RANT…then move on!
The start of the flu and cold season is here. On top of that, the first Ebola case has arrived in the United States, meaning…the first person actually diagnosed on U.S. soil, not counting the previous healthcare workers who were later transported here for treatment.
With that said, it is more important than ever for people to sit up and take notice. That means this…
1. If you are sick…stay home! Don’t go into work, don’t go out shopping, don’t run your freaking errands…STAY HOME!
2. If your kids are sick…keep them at home! I don’t care if it is “field trip day”, a special “test day” or they have an athletic game that they “can’t” miss.
Every year millions of people are infected with flu’s, colds, viruses and a whole host of other germs & infections simply because sick people don’t keep their asses at home and isolate themselves from the “healthy” population. Frankly, I am tired of it!
As a mother to now an adult daughter and a grandmother to a child who is in Kindergarten…I know it can be difficult at times to miss work or to put up with a crying child who wants to go to school. However, that is total nonsense! Keep yourself and your kids at home when sick!
No excuses people! I am tired of hearing:
“I can’t miss work, I need the pay”
“My kid already missed a lot of school, can’t miss anymore days”
“I don’t have anyone available to watch my sick child”
“I have an important meeting & deadline, I must meet it”
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah….they are all piss-poor excuses! It is time for the excuses to stop and for everyone to take responsibility for their actions. Please…if you or your children are sick…STAY HOME!
To All Employers/Companies: If employees show up to work sick, send their asses home & tell them not to return until no longer sick or with a doctor’s excuse stating they are not infectious!
To All Schools & Daycare Centers: If kids are dropped off sick, send them back home! Period!