Happy Halloween!!!

halloweennightLast night it was Trick or Treat Night here in our area. They always hold it the last Thursday night in the month of October. Luckily for the kids this year…we had great weather…slightly chilly but no rain or snow!

We live in a small development so we only get a few kids each year which saddens me as I love seeing them all dressed up. Plus, hubby and I put a lot of thought & effort into our outdoor Halloween decor.

Several times last night people would drive by and honk their car horns when they saw all of our purple & orange Halloween lights. Some of our neighbor’s decorated but NONE of them had a Halloween light display this year.

Now that Trick or Treat Night is over…time to get ready for our annual “Adults Only” Halloween party tomorrow night! Yay! We have a few guests coming over in costumes and lots of great food planned. We will be watching zombie movies tomorrow night!

Do you have any fun plans for the weekend? When does your neighborhood hold Trick or Treat Night? Do you get a lot of little visitors?

