Cranky or Happy Kids Early in the Morning
We are really blessed that Princess Gia has no problem getting up early in the morning. After all, she has been getting up early since she was 1 1/2 years old to attend daycare, then to attend pre-school and now she is in Kindergarten.
I hear a lot of parents complain that their kids are hard to get up in the morning and they are cranky before they leave for school. Like I said, after hearing/reading other parent’s stories…I am so glad that we don’t have that issue at all.
Don’t get me wrong, Miss Gia does sleep-in during the weekends but the weekdays and early rising haven’t been issues for us. I think a lot of it has to do with starting them early and getting them onto a routine that works. Even then, some kids might just have issues when it comes to getting up early.
Are your kids hard to awake early in the morning? Are they cranky before school? How do you deal with that?
The photo above shows the Princess modeling her new Panda Hat that I got for her over the weekend. She wore it to school today and is quite proud to show it off to all of her friends! Yes, I spoil my grand daughter and as her grandmother…it is my god-given right to do so! LOL