End of Summer Gardening
Good morning everyone! Today’s post will be quick and sweet. For those of you looking for Jenelle’s wedding photos, check back on Friday morning for that post. It will have photos & wedding details! We had a great time!
Summer is coming to an end which means harvest is in full swing around here. Both of our gardens did extremely well and we are still getting a lot of goodies from the garden which I have been cooking up, freezing and/or canning for winter.
Right now we have an abundance of tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, squash, red beets and a few other things. Plus, we have been picking apples from our apple tree for the past two weeks & canning homemade applesauce and apple butter.
The sunflowers will be ready in a few weeks and hubby loves roasted & toasted sunflower seeds. Do you like munching on them?
How did your garden do this past season? I would love to hear about it. In a few weeks we will be planting some flower bulbs for spring blooming (tulips & daffodils) and are getting ready for that.
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