Dealing with Continual Ant Problems
There are two types of bugs that I hate – ants and flies. They are both annoying creatures that need to just go away. I have continual problems with ants since I moved into this house and for the most part, I have them under control. This year however, it has been bad. I think in part because we are so dry, with little water to be seen, the ants are just going nuts. They usually show up around my sink and in my pantry. UGH. Gross!
So, last week once again, I woke up to a herd of ants running amok through my kitchen and into the pantry. I have had the exterminator treat the issue inside and out not to mention the amount of products I use myself and they are still finding a way in. This picture shows what I got to deal with. The good part is that it that my pantry is cleaned out – again – and I reorganized it – again. Sigh. I think if it happens again, I am going to paint those shelves. They are looking a bit worse for the wear. Might as make something positive come out of it all, right?
How do you deal with ants and pesky critters that just won’t stay out?
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