The Selfie Craze

selfie trioThe “Selfie” craze continues to grow and I am one of those people who hate it for a multitude of reasons. For example:

* People show “too” much of themselves when taking selfies. I hate seeing 1/2 dressed people posing in sexual ways.

* People’s egos seem to grow and they think they are HOT to TROT and a goddess! It is like some of these girls just think they are beautiful and that their crap doesn’t stink.

* I hate seeing selfies plastered every where that I go. Really, It is indeed too much in my book!

* Some of these selfies are taken at the MOST inappropriate times! I was at a meeting yesterday and a local celeb was there. Peeps were rushing up to her and butting in trying to get selfies with her. WTH? Have some class!

* Frankly, I am not photogenic and I prefer to be behind the camera than in front of it. Even if I was photogenic, I would still prefer to be behind it.

I guess selfies are okay if they are done in moderation and done in a classy & appropriate way. However, I see a good majority of people going way over board with this selfie craze. Your thoughts?

