Saving Your Loose Change

Saving Your Loose ChangeGood morning everyone! Wow, we had a super busy weekend and after I got off work…we continued working on our remodeling project of both front porches. The one is now completely done! We resurfaced the cement flooring, coated it with Behr Deckover, replaced both of the porch pillars, painted and all of that jazz. We are now 1/2 done with the second one. Before & After photos along with product reviews on those products coming in about 10 days. How was your weekend?

Today’s Topic: Do you save your loose change? If so, do you toss it into a piggy bank, jar or other type of container? What do you save your loose change for? Vacation, Bills, College Fund or what?

We have 2 loose change collection containers here at our home. All of our pennies & nickles go into a piggy bank for Gianna’s college fund. Her bank is filled about every 6-8 weeks & then we drop it off at the bank into an account we started for her the day she was born.

All of our dimes and quarters go into a big plastic water bottle jug. Every few months we deposit it into our savings account. We have been saving up for a new vacation condo and plan on selling one & buying a new one next year.

So, do you save your loose change & if so…what do you save it for?

Have a great Monday!
