Post Great Grains Wants to Know: What Makes You Great
This post brought to you by Post Great Grains Cereal. All opinions are 100% mine.
I have a love/hate relationship with my age and I am sure I am not alone. I have always been very comfortable in my skin and have been proud of who I am. But, like many people, getting older does make me think of things I could have changed in the past or done differently. The “What If” syndrome sometimes gets the best of me.
I am what is considered to be middle age although this is the first time I think I have EVER used that term! LOL I always think of myself at least 10-20 years younger than what I am. I think that comes from confidence and appreciation for the choices I have made in my life. Did you know that 73 percent of women have reinvented themselves after turning 40? In Fact, 80 percent of women love themselves more than they did 10 years ago. These stats are according to a survey done by Wakefield Research for Post Great Grains Cereal. I think that is pretty impressive stats and pretty true for me.
I think I am pretty great for the most part. I have been successful in corporate America. Have a great family and good friends. I am healthy overall, feel good and I am very positive in all things, thanks to God. Plus I have started a new career in a direction that I had secretly wished for a long time ago but never thought would ever happen to me. I think that is pretty great! And all of these things are right long the lines of another survey result :
Of the 73 percent of women who have reinvented themselves after 40, 23 percent have changed careers; 42 percent have a new passion and over 50 percent have gotten healthier. Age does have its benefits!
The folks at Post Great Grains can help you be great too. With healthy food choices including a heart healthy breakfast of whole cracked wheat berry cereal in any of their 8 tasty blends,including 30g of grains, you can start your day in a great way! Check out these tasty choices:
– Great Grains Digestive Blend Berry Medley
– Great Grains Digestive Blend Vanilla Graham
– Great Grains Protein Blend Honey, Oats & Seeds
– Great Grains Protein Blend Cinnamon Crunch
– Great Grains Cranberry Almond Crunch
– Great Grains Crunchy Pecans
– Great Grains Raisins, Dates & Pecans
– Great Grains Banana Nut Crunch
Check out this video that Great Grains put together. It will inspire you to think about what makes you great too!
Great Grains has nutrition that you can see right in your bowl. It will help you stay on the road to healthier living so you can accomplish all things great in your life too! Share with us below – What Makes You Great and follow along on the Great Grains on Facebook page for more inspirational stories from women just like you and me!