Picking Through the Truth About Organic and Non Organic Cotton

colorful cotton tanks

The Facts About Organic Cotton

Whether you want to save the environment or you’re just interested in how your clothes are made, you may wonder what organically grown cotton really is and whether it’s worth the extra cost. Grocery stores feature an increasingly wide selection of organic fruits and vegetables. Many families are choosing to avoid insecticides and pesticides by eating more organic foods. What about the textiles we use every day? Does it matter whether they are organically produced? By learning some facts about organic fibers, you can make an informed decision for yourself.

The Process of Production

Cotton has a long journey from the fields to the sale rack in your local clothing store. When conventional cotton is prepared and loomed for cutting, it may be treated with numerous chemicals which make it easier to process. If it is dyed for added color, the dyes may include toxic substances such as heavy metals. Organic cotton is never treated with these harmful chemicals. Organic dyes are always natural and environmentally friendly.

A Healthy Start

Organically grown cotton is healthy from the very first stages. Seeds are never genetically modified or treated with chemicals. Soil in organic cotton fields is always rotated, which means that the land is not forced to grow a single crop for years without change or relief. Crop rotation allows the soil to strengthen and build up organic material for a healthier yield. When weeds appear in the field, they are removed by hand, not with harsh chemical pesticides. 25 percent of pesticides in modern agriculture are used in the process of growing conventional cotton. When you buy organic, you can help cut down on this dangerous and unhealthy practice. Organic farms also reject man-made fertilizers and intensive irrigation, which can both harm the environment.

Organic Cotton Is Good for You

Organic cotton doesn’t just help the planet. It also helps you and your family. When you cut down on soil and water pollution, you’re creating a healthy environment for future generations. Organic cotton is well-known for its softness and comfort. If you or your family members suffer from allergies, you can decrease or even eliminate symptoms with the hypoallergenic properties of organic sheets and towels.

A Choice Worth Making

Organic cotton products may be slightly more expensive than conventional products, but they will pay for themselves many times over in health benefits. When you use organic bedding, you can sleep more comfortably while you help family farmers and keep the environment safe. As more people choose to go organic, more conventional cotton farms will be encouraged to switch to organic standards. Even a small purchase can make a big difference in the world.

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