Homemade Sidewalk Chalk with Recipe and Instructions

Homemade Sidewalk Chalk with Recipe and Instructions

Last month my grand daughter and I had an arts & crafts play date. During this particular date…we decided to make some homemade sidewalk chalk and here is how we made it.

Homemade Sidewalk Chalk Recipe & Instructions

* Two parts Plaster of Paris
* One part water (use warm tap water)
* Acrylic craft paint
* Plastic butter dishes, margarine tubs (clean and empty)
* Empty cardboard tubes (paper towels, toilet paper, gift wrap rolls, etc.)
* Aluminum foil, waxed paper or plastic wrap
* Masking tape
* Paint stir stick or old wooden spoon

Measure out Plaster of Paris into an old plastic butter bowl. Stir in the warm tap water, stirring with a paint stir stick or an old wooden spoon.

Stir in some acrylic craft paint in your desired color, just a few drops at a time until it reaches the desired shade. You will want to continue stirring the Plaster of Paris mixture until it thickens. If necessary, you can add more Plaster of Paris if it is too runny or if it is too thick, add a little more water.

Cut your empty cardboard rolls to the desired length. Cover one end of each cardboard tube with aluminum foil, plastic wrap or waxed paper. Secure the foil, wrap or paper to the end of the tube using masking tape. Stand your tubes upright.

Pour the Plaster of Paris mixture into your prepared molds. Let them firm up for several hours or overnight.

Once they are firm, tear off the cardboard and the new sidewalk chalk is ready to use! Store your newly made chalk in an airtight container or large plastic zipper closure bag. Enjoy!

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