Don’t Pick My Flowers!!!

flower thiefGood morning everyone! TGIF! I am glad the 3-day weekend is almost upon us as I have a LOT to do this weekend before the wedding! YIKES…only a week away and still…stuff to do!

Anyway, on Wednesday I had a lot of DRAMA going on here which totally screwed up my day. We have had issues with people turning around in our driveway (every day) and people driving by who like our “flowers” who stop alongside the road, get out and help themselves. Well, I am tired of it!

On Wednesday a van pulled up with a man & woman in it. They get out, look around and then head into my yard and both of my neighbor’s yards and helped themselves to our flowers! WTH? How disrespectful is that?

First of all, this is private property and you are trespassing! Second of all, you are stealing and that is theft! Our landscaping flowers cost us money and time and they are NOT there for your FREE picking!

I took numerous photos of this going on through my windows of them picking flowers and loading them up into the back of their van. I got a good closeup shot of their license plate and called the police. They came out, took a report, collected my photos and the thieves are in some serious hot water because I as a good citizen and got all the proof the cops would need. Blah!

Photo above shows the thief with her face whited out!

