Road Trip Essentials for Your Summer Travels
Summer time is a favorite time for families to hit the road. For years, my family traveled each year 2000 miles across country to visit my family. It has been almost two years since our last trip but we are planning another one soon. We love traveling and with all of the miles under my belt, there are some travel essentials that you do not want to leave home with out!
Here are my Road Trip Essentials for Your Summer Travels
Whether you are flying, driving or cruising, there are some things you do not want to leave home without. Write down these road trip essentials for your next trip.
Medications or Prescriptions
I know it is hard to imagine, but my hubby has forgotten his medications when we were traveling. Luckily, we used a national drugstore chain and were able to get an emergency refill easily but it did take some time. However, that is not always the case, especially if you are cruising or in another country.
Medical Cards and Health Insurance Information
Don’t leave home without your medical cards and insurance info. Often we have other children that travel with us that are friends of my son. We carry their medical cards and a letter of authorization from the parents to be able to treat the child that is in our care. This is very important should anything happen to us or the child.
Your Will and Medical Directive Information
I know this may sound creepy, but if something should happen, make sure that everything is covered on the home front. If you don’t have your will completed, do one today and leave directions with a trusted family member or close personal friend where to find it and what they need to do. Same with your medical directive.
Plenty of Reading Materials and Things to Do
For me, having plenty of reading material is must. When I am traveling I spend hours a day reading and crocheting. I meet the best people when I am crocheting in the car. One year, in a very small town, a lady gave me the thumbs up through the car window when she saw I was crocheting. Her and her hubby came up to ask what I was making. At the time, I was crocheting white cotton bandages for my emergency kit. They thought that was strange until I told them it was for the Zombie Apocalypse and we all had a huge laugh. Then when I explained with they were used for, she decided she was going to make some too! LOL I love traveling!
Emergency Service Assistance if Traveling by Car
Millions of people use AAA or a similar service when traveling. There are discounts for hotels as well as a break down service that is a must have. I never leave home without my coverage and yes, we have used it – several times!
Healthy Snacks and Munchies
Plenty of healthy snacks or the road is always on my list. We started traveling with my son when he was a baby and we never stopped. Trust me when I say snacks are a necessity whether you are on a ship, a plane or in the car. I carry healthy, easy to pack treats like peanuts, small cheese crackers, jerky, and fruit snacks like Welch’s Fruit Snacks that come in a resealable pouch. The fruit snacks are great cold or frozen too for a refreshing low cal, healthy treat for kids and adults alike.
If a summer road trip is on your agenda, I hope you find these tips useful. Have a great time and happy travels!
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Disclaimer: Map image by grant cochrane and freedigitalphotos. Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.