Our Nation’s Cellphone Addiction

mobilecellphoneI have another big gripe & vent today and that is regarding the use of cellphones. Seriously, I think a lot of people these days are addicted to their freaking phones!

We were out and about this weekend and I saw all kinds of people yapping on their mobile phones at some of the most inappropriate times!

* One gal was in a public restroom sitting on the toilet yapping away with one of her girlfriends. There were lines to use the restroom & she was taking her good old time yapping on the phone (while on the toilet) setting up “party club time” with one of her girlfriends!

* Again, while driving around Hershey we caught numerous people driving around and yapping on their phones! Hey people, that is AGAINST the law here!!!

* While at the zoo we saw numerous people who were supposed to be spending time with their family and/or kids…sitting around talking on their cellphones & not watching their kids at all. One child actually wandered off and it took his mother over 10 minutes to find him while she was in a panic. Hello…turn your phone off & watch your kids!!!

* We are standing in a very crowded line at Chocolate World to get on the ride to see how chocolate is made. We stood in line for about 20 minutes and during that time watch several people yap on their phones & not paying attention to line “movement”. One guy was standing right beside us & was talking to his sister about him buying a new motorcycle. Okay yeah…guess spending time with your son that day didn’t mean much.

My point is this…I think our nation has developed a cellphone addiction problem! You should NOT be answering your phone while spending “family time” with the family unless it is a freaking emergency. Answer it, if it is NOT an emergency then tell the caller you will call them back…move on. Don’t stand there or sit there for 30 minutes yapping about something that can wait. Family time is exactly that…FAMILY TIME!!!

