Let’s Talk About Swimming!

swimming pool Good morning everyone! Today we are going to talk about swimming so let’s get to it!

Do you know how to swim? If so, are you a good swimmer or can you just float & doggie paddle? In other words…would you sink in water or swim?

How many of you have children? Did you ever take your kids in for official swimming lessons? If so, how old were they? Got any tips for moms & grandmothers who are looking to put their kids/grand kids into the pool for swimming lessons?

Our daughter got swim lessons when she was about 6 years old. The princess (grand daughter) will be getting her first official swim lesson next Monday and she is excited about it. She loves to be in the water…just like her mother!

I personally think that all children should obtain swimming lessons as it is important for them to learn how to swim. Your thoughts?

Have a great Thursday everyone! I am heading out later for some shopping, a hair cut and a pedicure! Yay!
