Flower Gardening Mixed Wild Flowers

Flower Gardening Mixed Wild FlowersI love gardening but gardening doesn’t have to be expensive! Sure, some of the flowers that we plant are expensive but we also do some cheaper ones too!

For example: We purchased 5 packets of wildflower seeds at our home garden center back in early spring. Each packet was only $1.00 and each one had a lot of seeds within it.

One side of our property is wooded and we have been clearing out a bunch of dead trees, dead shrubs, etc. Most of that nastiness occurred over the past 3 years from a lot of storm damage. Anyway, we have spent a LOT of time cleaning up that side of our property and beautifying it as we go along.

While I do have some expensive flower beds…I wanted something that was inexpensive and looked liked it belonged in a wooded area so I went with wildflower seeds.

To plant…we just cleaned up the area and then dug up the top 3″ of the soil. We then sprinkled in and raked in our wildflower seeds. Within 10 days, we saw them starting to sprout up out of the ground and the photo above shows you what they look like 8 weeks later. BEAUTIFUL!!! We now have 5 patches of them on the right side of our property and I couldn’t be happier!

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