Beautifying Our Neighborhood

flag flowers in yellowWhen I drive into any particular neighborhood I love to look at all of the homes and the landscaping surrounding them. I think if your neighborhood is looking pretty, it reflects on everyone who lives there.

A few months ago I became the crime watch neighborhood block captain and love volunteering my time for that. Then last week I got together with a few of my neighbors and we are forming our own neighborhood beautification group.

Next weekend several of us are volunteering our time for 4 hours to walk through our neighborhood to clean up trash, help the older neighbors to do lawn care, plant some new flowers and other things. We have several seniors living in our development and we are going to help them clean up their properties & so forth.

We just got permission from the township to plant some pretty flowers near the entrance into our development & we are looking forward to do that too! I will try to remember to get some before and after photos to share here on the blog.

Do any of you work on projects like this with your neighbors? Our neighborhood people were not a close knit group until we moved in and started putting things like this together. Next month we are hosting a neighborhood-wide yard sale too!shellysig100x60