Back to School Rules Sweepstakes with Umi, Tea Collection and Mabel’s Labels

BTS_FB403x403_finalGetting out kids ready to go back-to-school can be a stressful time, not to mention…expensive! There is clothing to buy, shoes to get and then a ton of school supplies to go along with it! Sigh…what is a parent to do?

Well, Umi Shoes, Tea Collection and Mabel’s Labels want to make it easier for you! They are hosting a combined giveaway and you will want to enter it TODAY —-> HERE.

· 3 Grand Prizes: Each winner will receive a $100 Umi Gift Card, Tea Collection Wardrobe Set ($149 value), and 2 Mabel’s Labels Big Kaboodle™ Combos ($96 value)

· Sweepstakes dates: 7/21/2014 – 8/3/2014

· Fans will submit their entry using the Rafflecopter entry form hosted on the Umi website.

· NOTE: This sweepstakes is open to US and Canadian residents!

Disclosure: No compensation has been received for this post.