SHOUT Stain Remover Helps You Shout it Out Quickly

It’s funny. The older I get the quicker I want to move through my work and get out to have fun. Tired of being tied to a desk and working way too much, there is so much more to life than just work. All work and no play makes Chris a cranky girl! With that said, I have been adjusting my schedule so that I can get my work and household chores finished quicker so I can have more time to enjoy life. After all, who wants to be stuck working all the time? Yuck!

With that said there are some household cleaning items that can make life so much easier! I do not like doing laundry (who really does) and finding products that work fast and well are important to me. I have used SHOUT products for many years and I was sent some of their products to try out and review.

Shout Products

One of the first items that I tested was the Shout Advanced Ultra Gel Brush for some tough set in stains that I had on one of my mattress pads. My son and hubby were wrestling on the bed and my son with his giraffe legs kicked my hubby which resulted in a spilled red beverage all over the bed. Being guys, all they did was pull off the bedding and throw it in a pile for me. It got washed without me knowing about the stain and it set in nicely. Then a few days ago, one of the animals got sick on the bed… yay! So I knew that this product was the one to try out on these tough stains. You can see the awesome results below!

Shout® Advanced Ultra Gel Brush
Shout Advanced Gel
All you can see after treatment is a few light spots that I probably missed treating. This is using the Advanced Ultra Gel Brush, scrubbing it lightly and leaving it on only about 5 minutes! I am amazed that the red stain is completely gone. I never thought it would come out. Awesome! Plus, the gel was super easy to use!

One of the other SHOUT Stain Remover products that I got enjoyed trying out was the SHOUT Color Catcher. This is pretty cool and I had never tried it before. You simply throw a sheet in with your wash and it grabbed errant color runs so you an actually mix colors in your wash loads, if you choose. I threw one in with a dark load and added a light pink shirt to the load. The color catcher sheet grabbed a lot of dark color even though these clothes had been washed over and over again. I was amazed at the discoloration on the sheet. No wonder your light colors and whites dull and turn dingy! Not any more!
Shout COlor Catcher

I also received the SHOUT Spray Trigger and the SHOUT Wipes to go, both which I use on a regular basis with awesome results. I was thrilled with the results I got on these products and they definitely are time savers for me and will remain on my shopping list!

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Disclaimer: Chris has received no compensation for this post but did receive free product for purpose of review. These are her thoughts and views; your may vary.  All Content on this site is Copyright of the Two Classy Chics All Rights Reserved.