Mailbox Monday for June 16th

Every Monday, we love to share some of the neat things we got the previous week in our mailbox and we encourage all of you to tell us about the special things you got too! These special things can be gifts you received, special greeting cards or giveaways you won on the web! What about all of the freebies that showed up? Wootwoot!

bonus cc cards 20Shelly ~ Well, I had a great mailbox week last week. FINALLY!!! I got a $100 Visa Gift Card and a $25.00 Ross gift card and I am going to enjoy spending them! The Visa one will go for house things that we need from Lowe’s for our remodeling projects and the Ross one will be for a new pair of jeans! I love gift cards!!!

So…what all did you get in your mailbox last week besides bills? Get any giveaway winnings or freebies? We would love to hear about it!
