First Job Memories
Do you remember your first job? I think most of us do. It is like a right of passage to a degree. Back when I was growing up, it was not uncommon for us to start working at 14 or 15. I starting working at 12 with a regular babysitting job every day for a couple that worked for an airline. It was fun. My first “real” job for a business was at age 15 when I went to work for a company called Woolco when I was living in Virgina. Are they still around?
This week my son is getting his first “real” paycheck paying job and I am excited for him. The county fair is starting on Wednesday and he will be working security for the duration of the event. He has had other summer jobs working for friends that do construction but that is not the same as a real paycheck job. LOL
What was your first job and did you enjoy it or hate it??