Thoughts on Freedom of Speech
Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday! Wow, yesterday was super busy and today will definitely be even worse. I guess busy is good because that means money-making is happening. Yay!
Today’s Topic: I know this is a hot button issue right now in the media so here it goes!
What are your thoughts on Freedom of Speech? Do you think people have the “right” to say whatever they want regardless if their thoughts are right or wrong (according to the majority of the population)? Do you feel people have the right to say whatever they want in a private conversation and if that conversation is made public…that person should be held accountable for what they said in private to another person?
My thoughts: I think we are all entitled to have Freedom of Speech and it is okay to differ with someone else’s opinion on what is being said. If I don’t like what someone says, I get away from them, take my business elsewhere and I move on in life. I avoid them. With that said, I don’t go on a mission to destroy that person as I firmly believe we all have the right to our own opinions. Furthermore, what I say “in private” and in “my own home” should stay exactly there and not publicized all over the world or in the media.