Rising Cost of Extra Curricular Activities

fingerpainting https://twoclassychics.com/2014/05/rising-cost-extra-curricular-activities/
Remember all of those statistics about the cost of raising a child? The USDA ‘s latest estimate’s to raise a child from birth to 18 today averages $241,000 not including college. It varies depending on the region you live in but any way you look at it, it is scary! With my kid in his senior year, I am astounded how much the extra curricular activities are costing. Between prom and pictures, senior trips and even the cost of taking AP tests, it makes me wonder how families can afford to have their children participate in all of the senior year activities that make their final year memorable. Plus the cost of normal activities the kids participate in like sports. It makes me yearn for the days of play dates and finger painting! HAHA Do you agree? Do you have any savings tips for families on affording the activities for kids?


Enjoy your day!