Reader Spotlight – Deanna Watson

winner deanna 1We love our blog readers and we love hearing from all of you whether it is via blog comments, on Facebook, Twitter or via email.

Chris and I know that without faithful and loyal readers, our blog would be nothing so we really do appreciate all of you and the time that you spend reading our blog and entering the giveaways that are sponsored here.

winner deanna

One of our long time blog readers emailed us last evening and shared two photos of herself and of the two prizes that she recently won from the Two Classy Chics blog and we wanted to share them with all of you!

Please meet Deanna Watson who is showing off her $50.00 gift card to Lowe’s and her new FotoStrap that she recently won! Isn’t that cool? Wootwoot…we love to see winners who are enjoying their prizes!

If you would like to send us a photo, brief bio and a small description of what you won from our blog (to refresh our memory) every once in awhile we would love to feature YOU our readers here on the Two Classy Chics!