Mother’s Day Weekend
Good morning everyone! Happy belated Mother’s Day!!! We hope all of the moms out there enjoyed their special day (weekend) and got spoiled and pampered!
So ladies…What did you do for Mother’s Day? Anything fun or exciting?
Hubby spoiled me all weekend! We went out to lunch on Saturday (local steakhouse review) and then shopping to Lowe’s. Yes, I get excited about going to home improvement stores! At Lowe’s he got me a new trellis and 2 new climbing rose bushes which will hopefully grow up the trellis. He also got me some additional outdoor flowers some that we planted into my flower beds and others are in planters on one of my porches. Saturday night I went out with the girls for some fun. Sunday we spent most of our day out in the yard working on gardens and we painted one of our sheds. Sigh, it was 84 degrees and I worked my tail off, so now my body is super sore!