Flooding Across the South and the East
Good morning everyone! Wow, it is Thursday May 1st and we all are beginning the month of May. I am looking forward to getting through this month because June is vacation time, birthday time, dating/anniversary time and Father’s Day so I will be taking some time off. Trust me, it is MUCH NEEDED time off as my body & brain just need to chill out for awhile doing nothing.
Today’s Topic: The weather has been dangerous across the south, east and north east all week long! It has been raining here in Pennsylvania see the wee hours on Monday. Just here in my city we have had 5″ of rain this week and we didn’t need any rain before the nasty storms hit. The past year we have gotten too much precip and frankly…we are all tired of it and praying for a dry spell soon.
Do any of you live in a flood zone? Experiencing flooding this week? We got minor flooding here in our neighborhood but the next county over from us has big flooding problems with roads being closed, people evacuated from their homes and other stuff.
Everyone who is suffering greatly right now from bad weather…you are in our thoughts & prayers. Please stay safe!