1.8 Million Pounds of Beef Recalled
Good morning!!! Wow, I am super tired! My other job kept me quite busy yesterday with meetings. On top of that I had to squeeze in my errands and a doctor’s appoint. Got home last night had dinner and then didn’t get into bed until midnight. Sigh, I am super tired today but got another business meeting later today.
Today’s Topic: What do you all think of this 1.8 million pounds of beef that has been recalled due to the e. coli bacteria? I am furious about it as I am tired of all of these food recalls going on all of the time. We need food & health inspectors to be more on top of this and to recall things quicker. We need stiffer punishments for companies who put bad foods into our food system. We need more checks and balances as these recalls are happening more & more. In my opinion, I think the situation has gotten a lot worse over the years.
You can read more about the current beef recall (here) and it is enough to anger anyone!!!