Walking for Fitness and Exercise
Good morning everyone! How was your weekend? Did you get out to do anything fun or exciting? Just stay home? I am still on “bed rest” so I was in 95% of my weekend. However…I did get outside for 45 minutes and took a walk with my walking group.
Today’s Topic: Do any of you enjoy getting outside consistently and walking for health, exercise and fitness? My mother and I both enjoy walking, guess I got that love for walking from her since she has been doing it since I was a small child. Several years ago we started a local walking group consisting of 7 moms & grandmoms here in our area. They go out 3 times a week for walks through the community and I try to join them as often as my health permits. I love being outside & walking in the sunshine and fresh air. I lasted for 45 minutes yesterday and that was my first time going out in 5 1/2 weeks. Yay! Hopefully I will feel well enough to get out again today or tomorrow with them.