Preparing and Paying for College
My son is a senior and is getting ready to go to college in the Fall. We have been busy getting all of the paperwork done and filing for financial aid and fun things like that. Honestly, who knew that there was so much to do? It has really been an eye opener! $800 deposit please! When I went to college, it was a lot easier. I chose the classes and Daddy paid. LOL Now, it is so expensive, for most people financial aid is the only way to afford the tuition.
Senior year is another eye opener. The expenses are amazing any more. $80 for a year book. $200 for announcements and the cap and gown. $150 for senior portfolio pictures. $250+ for a class ring. $100 for senior trip. Not to mention prom and on and on. It is crazy. I cringe whenever the kid comes in and says “Mom, I need a check for….”
How many of you have seniors getting ready to head to college? Or if they have already went, how did you manage the crazy expenses? I need tips!