How to Plant a Blueberry Bush + Gardening Tips

Jung Logo 1907I love gardening but by no means am I an expert. Matter of fact, I would consider my gardening talents to be novice at best. I love to be outside in the sunshine and this year I am on a mission to bump up my gardening skills, to learn more and to share all of that with our Two Classy Chics blog readers.

One of the things I want to say about this is…even if you don’t live in your own home, you can still have a garden! You can plant herbs & grow them on your windowsill or you can do a patio or porch garden and plant your veggies in containers. For those of you who are blessed like me with your own home & large yard…well, we can go full out and grow all kinds of great things.

Recently I learned about a great gardening company called Jung where you can buy all kinds of gardening supplies, plants, seeds, etc. Their products are high-quality, easy-to-use and their customer services is fabulous at answering all of your gardening questions. This is a must for those of us who are new to gardening!

Last year hubby and I discovered 4 wild raspberry bushes here on our property. We educated ourselves about them, pruned them, fertilized them and hoping for a big crop later this year. Once we had discovered those…we were on a mission to add a blueberry bush to our collection. We had never grown berries before so I knew I would need to work with a gardening company that loved newbies like myself. Hence, Jung Seed to my rescue!

How to Plant a Blueberry Bush + Gardening Tips

Jung Company History: They are a family owned and operated company that was started in 1907. They send out approximately 3 million Jung catalogs per year, and ship approximately 400,000 packages, with products ranging from seeds, annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees, fertilizer, gardening tools, canning products and more.

The company sent me a blueberry bush to plant and review for all of you. Along with our bush came full instructions on how to plant it, prune it, fertilize it, take care of it and next year we will see the “fruits” of our labor. Look for my post next year on that!

Inside our box was our perfectly packaged bush, fertilizer and full instruction sheet. We immediately read over everything (very easy to understand) and put water on the roots of our bush until we could plant it a few days later. If you want to plant berry bushes, the springtime is the RIGHT time to do that! You will want to plant them after your frost season is over. In addition, they need to be planted in the perfect soil so they always recommend using a blueberry fertilizer.

How to Plant a Blueberry Bush + Gardening Tips
Digging Hole for Blueberry Bush

A few days later my husband got busy digging up the ground to plant our new bush. The instructions told him exactly how deep and wide to dig the hole. In addition, the fertilizer includes instructions on how to use that. He easily got the bush planted & fertilized and then worked on the pruning (they include instructions so that you know exactly what to do).

Hubby selected a part of our yard near one of gardening sheds to plant the bush so that it gets full sunlight. You do NOT want to plant your bush in a big shady area, they need sunlight to thrive properly. This entire process from digging the hole, planting, fertilizing, pruning and watering took him a total of 20 minutes, tops! It isn’t an all day long project so ladies, this is something you can certainly do yourselves!

How to Plant a Blueberry Bush + Gardening Tips
Our New Blueberry Bush

Before we got started with our project I had a lot of newbie curious questions which the company was super helpful in answering. They are definitely there for their customers to help you have a successful gardening experience.

Here are some tips I learned along the way to help you.

1. You don’t need a huge space to plant a blueberry bush! You can plant it any where on your property but you do want it in sunlight. It isn’t a difficult, complicated or time-consuming process. Anyone can plant a blueberry bush and grow blueberries!

2. You want the proper soil and you can purchase soil test kits. Regardless if you test your soil or not, you want to use a fertilizer that is specifically made for blueberry bushes. It is definitely worth the added expense because you want healthy bushes that thrive and produce a lot of plump & juicy fruits. The soil should be crumbly, not overly wet when you plant your bushes.

3. It is important to prune your bush when you plant it and every year you should prune it again to keep it healthy and thriving.

4. Water the newly planted bush immediately after planting and then water it periodically according to your own climate. We live in the north east so we won’t have to water as often as someone who lives in the southwest.

5. Prime time planting season is Spring! You want to plant your bushes after frost season has ended. There are all kinds of different varieties for different climates and sized spaces. You can find them all at Jung! Your first fruiting (harvest) is typically 2-3 years after you have planted your bush. This depends on blueberry variety, age of rooted bush that you planted and growing conditions.

How to Plant a Blueberry Bush + Gardening Tips
Our new bush!

In a few months I will be making another blog post to update you all on how our new blueberry bush is doing and including some additional tips & photos. Next year I will also be doing another blog post to show you our bush & to update the progress then too! This is going to be fun!

Head on over to Jung and take a look around. While you are there you can sign up for their email newsletter list, take a look at their online catalog, shop their store or request a printed catalog to be mailed to you. You can follow Jung on Facebook too! Look for a new giveaway on Tuesday that is being sponsored by the great folks over at Jung!

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site.

Disclaimer: Shelly has personally reviewed the product listed above. Shelly has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Shelly did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.  Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering our giveaways. This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook or Google+ in any way. Thanks!