Hotair Balloon Rides

Hotair Balloon RidesGood morning everyone. It has been a very hard 10 days since my auntie’s passing trying to get all of the memorial services planned, the funeral and closing up her estate. We have a lot on our plate this month and only have accomplished 25% of those things. I never realized how much you had to do once a loved one passes. I think once all of it is done, it will really sink in for me that she is gone. I am still an emotional mess over it.

Today’s Topic: Have you ever taken a ride in a Hotair Balloon? If so, did you enjoy it? Would you do it again? If not, is this something you would like to do sometime in the future?

Personally, I have never been in one and I have no desire to get in one. With that said, Hubby and I do go down to Lancaster every year when they have their Hotair Balloon Festival and watch others get into them. Very beautiful but…I am afraid of heights so it is something I can’t do.

