The High Cost of Prescription Medicine
Good morning! I had another rough day and night yesterday…sigh, I hope things go more smoothly today. I did manage to get a little work done on Monday and plan on working 2 hours today too.
Today’s Topic: How many of you take prescription medicine? For those who do and for those who take a lot of it on a consistent basis…you already know how damn expensive it is. Yes, I know some do all natural treatments but for many of us, that just is NOT possible. For myself, my prescription medications cost us well over $900 a month (out of pocket) and my hubby’s is close to $400 a month (out of pocket). Yes, I am grateful we have insurance but damn…even our out of pocket expenses for these medications is way too high and out of control. I know it costs millions of dollars to come up with a new medication & drug makers need to make back that initial investment…but once that has happened prices should drop like hot tamales…but they don’t. This one medication that I take called Zofran (I take it to control stomach upset) costs almost $300 a month…yes a month & it is a MUST HAVE medication for me. Nothing else works! It has been out on the market for years now but yet…still costs an arm & a leg. With Obamacare, I have personally seen our co-pays, premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses triple over the past 2 years which really irks me off. Sigh!!! You can’t afford to be sick!
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