Closing Out a Family Member’s Estate

crocusflowersGood morning everyone! This week is flying by and I am pretty happy about that. I am about 70% caught up on work which makes me happy but I did over do it this week. Going to take it easy for the rest of the week & weekend because I don’t want to relapse at all.

Today’s Topic: As most of you know…before I landed in the hospital we were busy closing out my Auntie’s estate, making memorial service & funeral arrangements and all of that jazz. Even though auntie has been gone for a total month (as of today) it is still a hard & long process. I never realized everything that we would have to do and thought it would be a quicker & easier process. Sigh.

Have any of you ever had to go through this? If so, how long did it take for you to close up everything and finalize it all? Did you do this on your own or did you hire legal help to assist you? Any tips or advice for us?

