The Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight

cross imageWow…the search is now 3 1/2 weeks old and they still can’t find that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight! Unbelievable that in this day and age a large jet liner can go missing like that! Geesh!

What really shocks me is that NONE of those other countries picked up that flight on their radars. Was everyone sleeping? Goofing off and smoking weed or what the hell was going on there?

Yes, I know its a big area that the plane flew over with most of that being the Indian Ocean but come on now…where the hell is that plane and why didn’t any of these countries see it in their air space? Holy guacamole!

That entire situation just angers me to no end! I wonder if they (the governments involved) know more than what they are releasing to the public? This is just way too strange to me plus over the weekend they raced off to a new search area due to “new” data received. What happened to that old search area where a bunch of satellites picked up hundreds of objects floating in the water? Ocean garbage or what?

Those poor families…my heart, thoughts and prayers go out to them all, including the family’s of the flight crew which needs some more attention. Besides the passengers, I believe there was 10 or 11 flight crew members too.

What do all of you think about this tragedy? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
