Jessica Smith Walk On: Strength and Balance DVD

I have been getting out more and more on walks lately, but when time is tight, I love to put in a dvd and just get some movement going. I was sent this new walking dvd to check out and it sounded like a cool combination of exercising and walking. I had not heard of Jessica Smith before, but she is very popular on YuoTube and her own website. Sounded good to me!

Jessica Smith Walk On: Strength and Balance DVD
Jessica Smith Walk On: Strength and Balance DVD

Snyopsis: STRIDE & STRENGTH (30 Minutes) A half-hour is all you need to burn fat and build metabolism boosting lean muscle mass with this two-in-one session! Burn more calories in less time with this maximum results routine that couples HIIT (high intensity interval) cardio training with circuits of strength exercises to make every second of your workout count. A set of light dumbbells (2- to 8-pounds, depending on level) is recommended, though not required, for this walk. We recommend this routine every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

FUSION WALK (30 Minutes) Balance your body with this flowing, feel-good endurance focused walk that fuses together movements from dance, kickboxing and Pilates. This walk is done barefoot (shoes may be worn if preferred) in order to fully engage and strengthen the muscles of the feet and ankles. We recommend this routine every Tuesday, Thursday and, if desired, Saturday too.

My thoughts: First off I love the set up of this dvd. She has 2 different workouts completely that you can choose to use. The first one is the Stride & Strength and that is great for every level of fitness. It is based on walking but there is a lot of other stretching and cardio training that she uses in this. If you are not at a level to work through it, you can just walk. The music is awesome and very fast paced so you are getting your heart rate up there and keeping it there too.

The second section was my favorite. The Fusion Walk focuses on your feet and lower extremities more than any other fitness person I have seen. It make sense as your feet and ankles are working hard keeping you going so why not work on strengthening them. I loved the flowing pace and the music in this part. You are getting a good workout but at a more relaxed pace. It is working different muscles than the other walk so alternating days to allow your body to recover is a great set up for this DVD.

I love Jessica. She has a fun personality and has her mom and friend there working out with her too. It made me feel good that mom is keeping up even though she is doing the beginner sections. Jessica is good about showing the movements and explaining everything. I loved that she has movements for yoga, ballet, dance, kickboxing and more to keep this interesting and moving along. She has movements in here that I have never seen but totally doable.

One this about this dvd is that both of these workouts are 30 minutes long. So it is one to make sure that you have enough time to work through it. It is perfect for any level and the Fusion Walk has become a favorite of mine!

Disclaimer: Chris has received no compensation for this post but did receive free product for purpose of review. These are her thoughts and views; your may vary. Please read our Official Rules before entering this giveaway.  All Content on this site is Copyright of the Two Classy Chics All Rights Reserved.