Febreze Introduces Allergen Reducer in Time for Allergy Season

Febreze Allergen ReducerIf you have been reading the Two Classy Chics blog for any length of time, you will already know that I enjoy cleaning and that I am a self-professed “clean freak”. I like everything in my home to look clean, smell clean and be in its rightful place.

One of the things you may not of known is that hubby and I both suffer with terrible allergies, especially during the spring and fall seasons. The tree pollen, mold spores and grass…just sets us both off into misery.

I am always looking for new ways to keep the allergens down inside our home. I am a fanatic at wiping things down, sweeping things up and tossing things into the washing machine. Allergens can be in our fabrics and in the air we breathe, keeping them at bay is a priority for me.

Febreze Allergen Reducer

The great folks over at Febreze asked me to review their new Allergen Reducer products for all of you and I jumped at the chance. Before I tell you my thoughts on these products, let me give you some information about them.

The new Febreze Fabric Refresher Allergen Reducer eliminates odors and reduces up to 95% of inanimate allergens from pollen, pet dander and dust mite matter that can become airborne from fabrics. The products feature a unique technology that helps keep common allergens on fabrics from becoming airborne. The technology acts as a net that flexes over the allergen particles, trapping them on the fabric until they can be removed through vacuuming.

While it’s easy to wash the allergens that can accumulate on your clothing, it’s hard to tackle the daily allergens that accumulate on tough-to-wash fabrics like drapery, furniture cushions, upholstery, large area rugs, toss pillows, etc.

How it works: Simply squeeze the easy-to-use trigger and spray the Febreze Allergen Reducer on fabrics and carpets until slightly damp. Spray soft surfaces all around your home. The formula uses unique technology to help keep allergens from becoming airborne until you wash them or vacuum them. In addition, it eliminates odors at the same time, leaving a fresh and pleasant scent.

The Fabric Refresher is available in 2 scents: Unscented or Clean Splash. The Air Effects is available in 3 scents: Clean Splash, Freshly Clean and Soft & Light. The products are available nationwide in many grocery stores or drug stores.

My Thoughts: I have been a BIG user of the Febreze product line for several years now. At any given time you will find 2-3 bottles of Febreze in my home, one in our car and hubby keeps a bottle at his office. Other products we used in the past just “masked” odors and within a few hours they were back. When Febreze first hit the marketplace we tried it and have stuck with Febreze ever since because it is the ONLY product we have ever found that truly eliminates odors!

dirty clothing in hamper

So, I decided to give the new Febreze Allergen Reducer a real workout around my home. First, I headed into the laundry room because I don’t do laundry every day because it is just my husband and I here at our home. I do laundry about every 3 days or so. Our hamper can really stink up a storm as our clothing is waiting to be laundered. Not only that, I know those allergens are in our fabrics and I don’t need them becoming airborne. I have been hitting the hamper & dirty clothing with the product so that I don’t have a stinky mess come laundry day. Fabulous for those of us who don’t need to wash clothing every day.

sofa in family room

Next, our family room is downstairs in the basement. Hubby has been down there for the past few months doing various remodeling projects. We keep our “old” furniture down there since that is where the gang likes to hangout to watch movies, play videos games, etc. At times, it can get a little must smelling in that room due to the room not having any windows. I have been using the Febreze Allergen Reducer on the sofa, recliner, area rug and bean bag chair that sits in that room. Now every time I go in there…everything smells fresh & clean. Plus, I know I am keeping those nasty allergens at bay until I vacuum and do my weekly cleaning down there.

window topper

Another area of major concern in my home is all of the window toppers and drapery treatments on my windows. I mean really, I love to clean but I am in no mood to wash all of the window treatments every week to just eliminate allergens and odors. I walked around our home and used the Febreze Allergen Reducer on all of the window treatments. It is amazing how fresh & clean each room smells now when you walk into them because I eliminated odors from the window treatments! Every few months I do take them down and either wash them or take them into the dry cleaners. Now in between those times, I have a new secret weapon ~ the Febreze Allergen Reducer!

To understand how this product works and how you can use it in your own home…check out the infographic below. It is very informative and explains it all much better than I do!

North American Allergen Infographic

So, what do you think? Personally, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this product! I use it all over my home, in our vehicles and hubby ran off with one of the bottles which is now in his office at work. I can also honestly tell you that we are sneezing less and haven’t been having any runny noses or watery eyes from allergies! Yay!!!

Disclaimer: Shelly has personally reviewed the product listed above. Shelly also received a free promo gift to thank her for her time and for participating. Regardless, all of her thoughts, opinions and ideas on this product are 100% her own and are unbiased. Your opinions may differ.