Your Favorite Beauty Tips

Your Favorite Beauty TipsGood morning everyone! Welcome to Thursday, March 6th. I am pretty happy to start saying the “word” March around here as winter was just terrible this year. The worse one we have had in decades!

Today’s Topic: I would love to hear about your favorite beauty tips! They can be simple ones, favorite must-have products that you can’t live without or something about your beauty routine.

For myself…I think a good cleanser is a MUST HAVE and I believe you should cleanse your face twice a day. In addition, a good moisturizer with a built-in SPF is another MUST HAVE in my beauty bag. I like to keep my beauty routine simple and quick. I don’t believe in paying $400 for a jar of moisturizer when I can find products that work just as well for $20.00. Just my 2 cents on that! Recently I reviewed the DreamSkin Beauty Pillowcase and I have to admit…I LOVE that thing and swear by it! I no longer wake up with “marks” all over my face. LOVE IT!

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