Celebrating Milestone Anniversaries

Celebrating Milestone Anniversarys https://twoclassychics.com/2014/03/celebrating-milestone-anniversarys/

Today is a special day here for me and my hubby. Today marks our 20th wedding anniversary! It is hard to believe that so many years have passed so quickly. It really does not seem like it has been that long. Amazing! This week has been a super busy week and honestly I have not had any time to plan something special for us. I know that seems sad but I think this weekend we will get out of here for a while and maybe go to the coast and have a special dinner or something. I do have a 2 night stay and dinner at the local casino which we were going to use but we had to change our plans. Hopefully next month we can celebrate again!

How do you celebrate a milestone anniversary? Flowers? Dinner? I am not a huge fan of flowers – not that I don’t love them. I do! But I hate to throw them out after spending a lot of money on them. I would rather have a plant or something that will last me a long time. That is more memorable for me.

Well, I do have some winners to announce today, so lets get to it. After verifying our entries here is the lucky ones for today!

125 Best Chicken Recipes Cookbook: June S.
Abner the Invisible Dog DVD: Lesley F

Congrats to our winners! Have a great day everyone and thanks for entering with us!


image courtesy of sxc.hu and remind