Award Winning Game App for Kids

partnered postMy grand daughter will be finishing up her Pre-K school year in early May. Then she will have a few months of fun before she begins all day Kindergarten in August.

She will be 5 years old soon and let me tell you, that girl is as smart as a whip! She is well-advanced in education and I think that is because we worked hard to expose her to educational toys and games.


There is an award winning game app for kids from Agnitus that includes 50+ fun and educational games. This one app will keep your kids entertained for hours and while they are having some fun, they are learning too!

There are games to help children learn their colors, name fruits, memory and matching games, learning their ABC’s, numbers, counting and all kinds of other fun things! Yes, 50+ all with one app!

agnitus app games

This wonderful app only costs $6.99 per month with a free 30 day trial period. For the cost of one book and certainly well-less than a video game, you can give your child a head start on learning.

It is a 2014 Family Choice Award winner, a KAPi Award winner and Teachers with Apps certified. What is really cool is that parents can track their child’s progress and compare their progress with other kids globally.

You can head on over to the Agnitus web site to take a look around and to learn more about it. Enjoy!

“This post was created in partnership with eAccountable. All opinions are my own.”

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